Access Funds Securely Using Adalite Hardware Wallet!

Cardano wallet

A decentralized public blockchain known as Cardano is open source. It uses the ADA cryptocurrency mechanism by running the blockchain. Adalite is a cryptocurrency hardware wallet that allows users to transfer their funds. Their goal is to develop a lightweight and secure wallet for storing cryptocurrencies. It addresses the limitation in the performance of other wallets caused by their dependency size. It successfully eliminates the need to synchronize and download the whole blockchain.

The wallet was first known as CardanoLite but changed after launching it on the public platform. It provides compatibility with using the format of shelly addresses and transactions. It was first an internal project that converts into a live project. So the public can use it. They introduced staking to Cardano after the Cardano Shelley hard-fork. They released the staking interface for the main-net. 

Implementation of a hardware wallet

The Cardano community provides a secure way of managing the ADA cryptocurrency along with Trezor. In this manner, the user stores the private key on their Trezor hardware wallet. It is not necessary that users should trust them while accessing their wallets by using the Adalite website. The website creates a new level of trust and security for their ADA holders. 

Cardano wallet- Adalite

The website supports three means for accessing the wallet. To enhance security, they recommend using the hardware wallet.

  • Mnemonic: it is a passphrase that serves the users as a seed. It restores the private and public keys according to the addresses associated with their wallets.
  • Hardware wallet: it provides the best security for the private key of the user. It never leaves the devices while signing the transactions.
  • Keyfile – it is an encrypted JSON file that users can export and load. They do not need to type the entire mnemonic passphrase for accessing the wallet.

Adalite allows the user to access their funds by using the hardware wallet also. It enables the user to interact with the website in the safest way possible. They do not give their mnemonic. The attacker cannot steal the mnemonic or private key as they do not need to leave Ledger. 

Highlights of engagement

The website team does reverse engineering on cryptocurrency from the Haskell implementation. It ports to the lightweight JavaScript app. It takes less than 1 minute for a user to create and load their wallet. The users can initiate their transactions from the browser on various platforms. It makes it a faster transaction.


The website works reliably, and its design is safe. It uses Trezor that protects its private keys from the compromised computer. Always check the data displayed on the Trezor to be sure about signing the right transactions. Even if the sites go down, the user can access their funds. The wallet supports Trezor and uses the same address space. It uses the address from standard index 0 upwards. It supports Trezor and ensures a secure transaction of the user’s funds.